Do You Really Need To Go Gluten-Free? Know The Symptoms Of Gluten Sensitivity

by beconrad
Doctors and scientists have long known that some people were sensitive to gluten. Celiac disease is a well documented and widely studied disease in which sufferers are unable to process the gluten in pasta, bread and other food sources. The inability to process gluten can lead to a number of serious gastrointestinal and digestive symptoms. Once diagnosed, those with Celiac disease need to be very careful to avoid all sources of gluten in their diet, something that was quite difficult before the gluten-free revolution.
These days, gluten-free foods are everywhere, and manufacturers of everything from meatballs and hamburgers to canned pasta and fruits are touting their gluten-free status. The widespread availability of gluten-free foods and the large amount of press gluten has gotten has led many people who do not have Celiac disease to adopt a gluten-free lifestyle, but is that really a good idea?
Some people, even those without Celiac disease, do show signs of gluten sensitivity. The affected individuals may be able to benefit from reducing the amount of gluten in their diets, but they would be well advised to talk to their doctors first.
It is also important to note that gluten-free foods are not necessarily healthier than their gluten-filled counterparts. In many cases manufacturers add extra sugar, salt and fat to replace the flavor and texture gluten used to provide. For people who do not have an actual gluten sensitivity, going gluten-free could actually be bad for their health.
So how do you know if you are sensitive to gluten and need to avoid it. Gluten sensitivity produces a number of symptoms, including the following:
. Digestive symptoms after eating gluten-rich foods. These digestive symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach ache and vomiting.
. Cognitive issues, often described as a brain flog or trouble concentrating. People with gluten sensitivity may also experience headaches after eating foods rich in gluten.
. Eczema-like skin symptoms. Skin problems that appear to be dermatitis or eczema have been reported in some people who suffer from gluten sensitivity.
. Irritability and emotional issues. Those suffering from gluten sensitivity may experience irritability and mood swings for no apparent reason.
If any of the above symptoms sound familiar, you could be suffering from a sensitivity to gluten in your diet, or even from Celiac disease. If you suspect gluten is the culprit, your next call should be to your doctor. Your physician can test you for Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity and recommend a healthy diet to control your symptoms and help you feel better.
Please note: That any suggestions are based on personal experiences and knowledge garnered from self-education and/or readily available news sources. Sources are available upon request. Neither or any of our writers offer any guarantees or are responsible for the consequences for any advice taken.
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