Is Leptin Resistance Keeping You Fat?

By J. Lang Wood
The search for the reasons behind obesity and the most effective methods for losing weight led to the discovery of the leptin hormone in 1994. This hormone is responsible for transmitting messages to the brain about how much energy to use depending on available energy reserves. The research led to the idea of “leptin resistance,” which can thwart people’s ability to lose those extra pounds.
The Leptin Hormone
Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells in the body. It is often referred to as the “starvation hormone,” because it tells the brain how much energy is stored for movement. When leptin levels are low, such as in times of famine, the brain gets the message to save energy. The hormone also regulates the feeling of being satisfied after consuming food. When leptin levels are high, the brain gets the message to expend energy that is available and stored in fat cells. Disruptions in leptin levels can cause these messages to become scrambled, and individuals may lose their ability to feel satisfied with normal amounts of food. Leptin also plays a part in other functions in the body. It decreases inflammation that can lead to heart disease, primes the immune system, maintains bone density and supports fertility. Adequate leptin levels in the body appear to be crucial to good overall health.
Understanding Leptin Resistance
Now researchers are studying whether “leptin resistance” can function much like “insulin resistance,” preventing proper utilization of this important hormone. It may be that this condition can prevent dieters from losing weight. Obesity causes an increase in fat cells, which produce leptin. At a certain point, the elevated level of leptin causes the brain to block its messages. The individual no longer feels satisfied after normal amounts of food consumption. They consume more, make more leptin and then, eat more, in a vicious cycle.
Factors That Affect Leptin Levels
Evidence suggests that preventing insulin resistance can also help to manage leptin levels. Eating a diet of whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables and fish or lean meats can help the body utilize insulin efficiently and can also help to reduce triglycerides, which are associated with leptin resistance. If you lower your triglyceride levels, you will also lower your body’s resistance to leptin, and managing your weight will become easier.
Keeping Leptin Levels Normal
Increasing the amount of leptin in your diet or getting it through supplements does not appear to be the answer. If your body is not able to utilize normal amounts of leptin, adding more will not change the problem. Instead, researchers suggest aggressive weight management to reduce the number of fat cells in the body where leptin is produced. An overall plan for weight reduction that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise can be the best way to reduce leptin resistance and keep your body fit.
Preventing leptin resistance can be another weapon in your fight against fat. Research on this hormone reinforces the need to make sure your diet contains the right nutrients your body requires.
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